The launch event for RiBL took place on October 24th

CBS recently received a considerable grant from CANDYS foundation to create a research-base for a pedagogical transformation to blended learning. The funding enables CBS to expedite the process of creating an institution-wide pedagogical transformation with severe impact on future learning grounded on research-based solutions that are implemented in practice. The new strategic initiative serves the purpose of providing the best possible education for our students, taking advantage of the opportunities provided by new technologies for teaching and learning.
Professor Mark Brown, Director, National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University, Ireland gave a keynote speech about pedagogically driven digital learning. Professor Dr. Götz Bachmann from Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany served as discussant. This was followed by a session where CBS faculty and students together provided some examples of blended learning that have already been developed to show the potential of working with technology-enhanced teaching and learning.